Underrepresented founders have been overlooked for too long.

We’re building a community of industry leading investors who truly care about helping underrepresented founders.

Fundraising is tough even for the best founders

Venture capital has been skewed to favor a few privileged people.

That’s why we made a conscious decision to focus on helping underrepresented founders.

We’re here to help!

Nominate venture investors in your
network to join our community

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We see you and are here to
help you succeed!

Access to

Detailed Assessment with Feedback

Encrypted Virtual Data Room with Unlimited Storage

Messaging & Video Calls with Investors

We’re here to help!

...and that’s just to start.

Each month we’ll be releasing new free features to help you be amazing!

We’re here to work with all types of venture investors. The power of network effects is what makes the platform the strongest for all.

I'd like to learn more

I’d like to learn more about how I can help underrepresented founders.

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